
Welcome to the Shakeout, I'm Jordan Kent, and get to know me and what this blog is all about:

What is this blog all about?

Good question, I'll be posting weekly about tips to make family life healthier and more fun-filled based on my years of experience as a human and working with thousands of kids. It may or may not be the best advice you've ever heard in your life.

Why's it called the Shakeout?

Because I love Taylor Swift. Just kidding, she's great and all, but I'm more of an 80's R&B guy. Back to your question though, and it's a great one again. In sports and training (which I have an extensive background) a "Shakeout" would be a light, refreshing workout meant to make you feel better and get you ready for your next workout or game. Shakeouts are quick, light, refreshing, and we would laugh during them, so I thought it was a perfect name. ("Family Health Blog" seemed so, Meh...)

Who are you again?

I'm Jordan Kent.

But what did you do that makes you so cool?

Surprisingly, I'm not that cool. My background and achievements that lend themselves to this blog were that I was an 11-time Oregon High School state champion, three-sport athlete Hall of Fame inductee athlete from the University of Oregon, and former NFL player.

In addition, I work as the studio host for the Portland Trail Blazers along with working other events such as the Olympic Track and Field Trials and working for companies like Nintendo. Yes, I get to talk about video games for a living.

But more applicably to this blog, I've spent 7 years running youth sports camps and teaching nutrition education to thousands of kids, and that's where the majority of our content comes from.

Youth Sport Camps?

Yep, called the Jordan Kent Skill Camps and Just Kids Sports Camps. They're awesome, you should send your kiddo to them. More info in the links.

This looks fun, right?

So this Blog is for the camps?

Basically, we love interacting with our families, and this should be a good chance to do so year round.

Anything else I should know?

I have a beautiful wife with her own incredible blog (it's MUCH better than mine) called Table to Soul that you should definitely check out. It's got some great recipes, and will score me some sweet husband points.